Attention Employees of
​Recognized Living Wage Employers

If you employer has been recognized as a Thrive! Living Wage Employer you can find out general information about the Employer Recognition Program or see the full list of Recognized Employers here. If you want to share your story here as a low-wage or living-wage worker, we want to hear it! 

What to know if your employer has been recognized as Thrive! Living Wage Employer

  • Your employer is required to hang an informational Thrive! Employee Poster with other labor law posters in their place of business. You can check it for information about your employer’s recognition period. If the poster is not displayed, please leave a comment listing the Employer and the need to hang the poster at the bottom of the page.
  • An employer’s recognition is valid for 2 years.
  • The Living Wage rate for employers recognized from October 2014 to April 2015 is $12.40 per hour, the rate for employers recognized after October 2015 to July 2017 is $12.79, and the rate for employers recognized after July of 2017 will be $13.31, before taxes.  Part of this wage may consist of benefits for basic needs including food, healthcare, transportation and housing. Note: The Living Wage is recalculated annually in June. The 2-year recognition is valid with the Living Wage rate current at the time of recognition. At the end of the 2 year recognition in order to be eligible for renewal, employers are required to come in to compliance with the most up-to-date Living Wage rate.
  • As part of being recognized, your employer has agreed to allow Thrive! to discuss any concerns you may have, without retribution to you.

If you have comments, questions, or are not receiving this wage (or equivalent with basic needs benefits), please contact Thrive! Living Wage Coalition Director at 970-335-8114 or submit a comment, complaint on this page.